Tide - Current prices from Metro flyers

METRO flyer
thumbnail - Tide
May 30 - June 05, 2024

Price overview

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* The price can vary in different stores

** The price may be VAT exclusive

If you are really serious about saving on shopping and want to save as much as possible, you should carefully follow all the latest weekly flyers featured on our website. We feature Metro Tide deals regularly, and have the latest weekly flyers with Metro Tide deals available as soon as they’re out.

It doesn’t have to be just Metro Tide deals, you can search for sales on Tide from other retailers, like No Frills, Loblaws, Maxi, FreshCo., IGA, or you can check out wonderful deals, discounts and sales of goods sought by other shoppers on our website. Among the most popular deals these days are discounts on the following goods: Tyres, wheels and accessories, Toasters, toasted sandwich makers, waffle and pancake makers, Tennis, squash, badminton, table tennis, tyre reapir kit, Toys, building systems and LEGO, Tablets, Tables, stands, islands, sets, Three-piece suites, couches, sofas, armchairs, bean bags, Timber, Toblerone. At Canadian Flyers we publish thousands of new special offers every day and if you want the best deals, you should keep checking back with us!

Where to buy - Tide

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